Talkin' With The Team #4 - Josh Thorvaldson
My sponsors are Sk8 Skates, Doomsayers Club boards and clothes, and Vans
How long have you been sponsored by Sk8 Skates?
I’ve been riding for Sk8 for 5 years now. Its gonna be 6 in January. It’s crazy to think I’ve been riding for the shop for a quarter of my life.
How did you get on the team?
The way I got on is kind of a funny story. The Edge Skatepark had just opened and they asked me to come down solo to film some shit for some sort of opening advertisement video thing and needed me to skate in it. My back was super fucked at the time and I called them earlier that day and told them I wouldn’t be able to make it because I couldn’t skate from how bad my back was. They reassured me that it’s fine and that we might not even need clips of me skating and that I should come anyways. When I showed up the entire Sk8 team was there skating the park, and they told me that those dudes asked if they could skate for the evening and that they wouldn't be in the way for the stuff we had to film. I popped a few pain killers so that I could bare the pain in my back so that I could skate the park. About a half hour into the session Colin Lambert called me over handed me a bag with a few boards in it and a shit ton of Sk8 product and told me I’m on the team. I then realized this promo video for The Edge was non existent and was only told to come down to get welcomed to the team. We skated the park for a couple more hours and finished the evening off with a full team bowling night which was super fucking rad!
Favorite Sk8 Skates rider from the past?
This answer fully doesn't count since he still rides for the shop. But I’m just gonna go with Jamie Mospanchuk, for the sole purpose that I wish I could skate with him more often. Every session you just know that Jamie’s gonna blow your mind. Whether he’s working for some super tech trick that you can’t even fathom in your own head. Or when he’s just fucking around and pulls off a million insane tricks in a row just having a good time! I miss seein' you around all the time Jamie!
Favorite Sk8 Skates rider from the present?
Favourite rider from the present would have to be Keiran Zimmerman. He skates more then everyone else on the team combined and could probably film a video part every month if he wanted. He’s also better than everyone else combined so that’s a plus too.
Favorite up and coming Winnipegger?
I'm gonna go with Logan Esquash on this one. He skates the way I wish I could. He does everything perfectly and effortlessly. Although last time I answered this same question, I said he was my favourite up comer and I bet him 20 bucks to nollie heel the 10 at the U of M and he never did it. I will admit he gave it a solid go, so no hard feelings Logan. So this time around I'll give my vote to Fane Smeall. Fane has that Keiran drive in the sense that he goes out and gets shit done without even saying a word or people pushing him to go out and do something. Basically he's not lazy and is driven to get shit done, which I think is rad. So yeah, Fane or Logan.
What are you working on right now?
At the moment Julian Kelly is working on a video that I’ve been working for this past year. I think it’s set to come out in spring so I’d like to get a couple winter trips in, and maybe head somewhere a little further south in the early spring to hopefully get some last minute moves.
Best day of your life?
Best day of my life was probably landing that 5050 which wound up being the cover of King Shit. I was told if I landed it, that it was a guaranteed cover. I had gone a few days in a row and it was the last possible day before the deadline. I somehow managed to pull it off. We let the editor of King Shit know I got it and he confirmed that it would be the next cover. Followed that up with a shot and a few beers across the street at the closest bar and called it a day. Still super appreciative of that. Thank you Jivcoff for lining all that up. And thanks Tyler Geurts for standing around for a total 7 hours just to shoot a photo of me.
Tell us a good story about another team rider?
Definitely that time we were on a trip to Las Vegas. The crew consisted of Colin Lambert, Cain Lambert, Evan Sinclair, James Morley, and Tyler Geurts. It was our last day there and we had to get up a little earlier than usual to pack all our shit since we were checking out of our hotel that morning. When we woke up Tyler was nowhere to be found. After a few phone calls and text messages later he told us he was downstairs in the casino waiting to finish his drink. Turns out while we were all sleeping he had been playing blackjack literally all night. By the time he got to the room we were all fully packed and in a huge rush to get out since it was our last day and all. We all head to the car and Tyler hands us 100 dollars to bet on either red or black on the roulette table when we leave. Can't remember what we bet it on, but it hit. When Tyler shows up to the car we obviously tell him he lost. We head out and get to the first spot of the day which was a hubba that starts off flat and then goes down, I wanna say a 6 stair. No one had any intentions on skating it except for Tyler of course. He had the bright idea of trying to frontside boardslide through the flat then down the 6. Fast forward an hour of Tyler trying this trick and he ends up sticking, flying to flat and splitting his head open. He shrugs it off and keeps going for it while his head it literally dripping blood down his back. He lands it and we surprise him with the 200 he had won on the roulette table that morning. Definitely the most entertaining session I have ever witnessed. Tyler's genuine stoke after battling the trick and realizing he actually won the bet that morning was one of the greatest things I've ever witnessed. With that being said you down for Vegas again this winter Ty?
Gnarliest trick ever done in Winnipeg?
Gnarliest trick ever done has got to be Colin Lambert's wall ride on Art gallery. Ollieing that set is a struggle, let alone riding full speed into a fucking vertical wall and making down what is probably a 12 foot long stair set. That's probably the last thing to come to my mind for tricks to try, but Colin conquered it. The footage still doesn’t seem real to me. I literally do not understand how that is possible.
What are some slang terms that only Winnipeggers use?
Is Jib a Winnipeg term? I think it means meth, but people always ask me if I'm lookin' for jib or if I have any. I never took myself as the drug dealing/doing kinda guy. Bunk ollie lip, and primo head hit are a couple other Winnipeg classics. Not really slang terms, but classic bails that hold a lot of comedic value to them.
Who should get on the team next?
That's a weird thing to predict. Sk8 Skates has always seemed like a big family in my eyes. I feel like anyone who can bring something positive to the table and is a super rad person to be around deserves a spot. Skill only matters so much. But if you're a rad person and you rip, then I believe you've got a winning combination. On a side note I will say that I would like to see more kids using what they know in all the skate parks to apply that to the streets. You do your homework then you write the test. I know filming a trick in the park for a little internet edit is a super fun time and all. I just wish I saw more of the real deal from a lot of the young rippers in the city.
Follow Josh on Instagram @joshgotsauce
Photos by James Morley @jamesmorley
Legit since 1987.
Sk8 Skates is more than just a skate and snowboard shop, it is a family of individuals committed to strengthening the Winnipeg skateboard and snowboard scene.